Your Birthstone
Garnet is the birthstone of January
05.01.2025 14:33
Garnet is the birthstone of the first month of the year. It is bright red with bloody highlights, which contrasts sharply with our idea of a snowy and white January. The stone gets its name from the Latin word "granatum", which means "seed". And the seed in question is that of the pomegranate, whose grains resemble the precious stone.
Zircon - one of the three December birthstones
01.12.2024 08:00
Fine blue glow, like a gentle reflection of moonlight on frost. This is how we determine each of the three birthstones that are relevant in December. They are turquoise, zircon and tanzanite. And although their colors are not in sync with the bright holiday decorations, their bright imprint makes them the perfect jewel for the holiday celebration.
Sparkling sapphire - birthstone of September
27.08.2024 08:00
Sapphire is one of the hardest stones in the world.
Peridot is the birthstone of August
01.08.2024 10:04
Period has long been considered a miraculous stone that has healing properties. From ancient times the peridot was believed to drive away bad dreams and protect against depression.
July birthstone - Ruby
01.07.2024 08:41
Ruby is one of the most significant gems in history. It has been known to mankind since ancient times. Its glory as a royal stone has been imperishable since the beginning of history. In all probability, the association of rubies with the month of July is partly due to the connection between the color red and summer.
The name ruby comes from the Latin word for red. Its specific color is usually associated with the saturation of the blood, the warmth of the sun and the brilliance of the fire. Most of the beliefs and supernatural powers attributed to rubies are derived from them. Ancient people once called the ruby "the stone of kings" and "the most precious of the 12 precious stones created by God." They were believed to bring good luck and divine protection to the warriors. The association with the sun and fire brought a special homage to the ruby as a stone of the life-giving forces of nature and the passion from which life is born.
Over the centuries, its value has established and even grown. In Christendom, it is one of the "cardinal stones", often inlaid with gold rings and decorative ornaments. Gold rings with rubies were also worn by royalty and rulers as a symbol of their sole power and right to rule. The ceremonial crowns are inlaid with rubies so that they go on the red robes of the monarch.
Ruby is a variation of the mineral corundum, as is sapphire. This stone is the third hardest in nature after diamond and musanite. The red color is due to the content of chromium, and the shade varies from pink to deep red. Ruby is a rare stone. Ruby jewelry is usually made of stones up to 3 carats. The most common are earrings with rubies and rings with rubies. Rubies are often combined with diamonds and other colored stones, with the emphasis on the red glow.
The bright red color of rubies makes them inextricably linked to love. However, this love is not destructive, but creative. It is the complete surrender of two people in body and spirit. This love is stable and unshakable, gives birth to life and motivates a person to courage and ingenuity.
This is one of the colorful gems that are often placed in engagement rings, along with sapphire, emerald and amethyst. It is believed that an engagement ring with a ruby is given as a symbol of unquenchable passion and eternal love between the future bride and groom. In addition, according to tradition, jewelry with rubies is given as a gift for the 15th and 40th wedding anniversary .
Ruby is a hard and durable stone. However, any high quality jewelry requires care. Avoid contact between jewelry with rubies and chemicals, detergents, cosmetics and perfumes. They can damage not only the stone but also the hardware. Keep your ruby jewelry separate from other jewelry, as hard stones can hurt them. Cleaning is done with lukewarm soapy water and a brush. It is a good idea to clean high-quality and designer ruby jewelry once a year by a professional jeweler.
Pearls are the birthstone of June
01.06.2024 11:00
Pearl jewelry is one of the most popular combinations in the world. There is hardly a lady who has not worn pearl earrings or a pearl necklace at some point in her life. Well, pearls are also especially suitable for birthdays in June, as they are the jewel of this month.
Emerald is the birthstone of May
30.04.2024 07:43
Emerald jewelry is the perfect birthday gift for a woman born in the fifth month of the year.
The April birthstone is the diamond
01.04.2024 15:23
Apart from being the most popular stone for an engagement ring, diamond is also the birthstone of the month of April.
Aquamarine is the precious March birthstone
29.02.2024 10:00
Aquamarine is the precious March birthstone
Amethyst - the birthstone of February
01.02.2024 12:03
The birthstone of the month of February is amethyst. Its color is purple, in shades from translucent to deep and lush.
Topaz is the birthstone of November
31.10.2023 10:00
It is said that topaz brings good luck to almost all astrology signs. However, yellow topaz is a birthstone for November and blue topaz for December.
Opals - October birthstone
29.09.2023 08:27
Опалът е камъкът на родените през октомври, заедно с розовия турмалин. Този камък се подарява и на 14-ата и/или 18-ата годишнина от сватбата, като символ на верността и страстта.
Opal and tourmaline are October birthstones
01.10.2022 06:00
Hello, October! Zodiac signs Libra and Scorpio celebrate their birthday this month. There are also two birthstones of the month - opal and tourmaline.
Turquoise - the classic birthstone of December
07.12.2020 12:13
Turquoise is the only stone that has a color named after it. It is the classic birthstone of December. Turquoise jewelry is also the perfect gift for the 11th wedding anniversary.